Medtech Congress 2024


Building the future of medical device technology through innovation and collaboration

Welcome to the 3rd edition of the Medtech Congress. Organized by DayOne and hosted by the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area, this exclusive event is designed to inspire collaboration among SMEs, research institutes, healthcare providers and startups within the medtech ecosystem in the Jura.

During this year’s one-day-program, you will:

– Gain insights into the latest industry trends and breakthroughs and learn from successful case studies and firsthand real-life experiences.
– Connect with key stakeholders and partners from the medtech industry while exploring financing opportunities for innovation and collaboration.
– Engage in interactive roundtable sessions led by industry pioneers and discover how to best manage the transition to the medtech industry.

Please note that there is limited space available

Additionally, we have a special program for a selected group of guests on the following day, October 31st . Tour around the Jura and visit local medtech suppliers with a group of like-minded professionals.
​​​​​​​Let us know of your interest when registering and you will receive more information in September once we have reached a minimum number of attendees. We look forward to your participation. 

Need practical information to organize your visit? Just click here.